Fathers need their ‘me’ time. #father #motivation #family
Single fathers don’t get enough credit for their efforts.. #family #father #motivation
We need to give our kids all they need to be successful in life (competition is high). #father
To raise kids in these hard times is not easy(salute to the fathers who are holding the family down)
Salute to the fathers who are holding it down in this difficult time
The family freestyle rap #family #rap #freestylerapping
You need to meet your estranged adult child halfway to mend your relationship. #family
Your children remain your biggest achievement regardless of what you achieve. #children #family
Be involved in your child’s life no matter what it takes. #family #father
You need to be physically involved in your child’s life. #family #child #father
Is it too late to mend relationship with your adult child?
Cut off from the noise. #family #motivation
You need to set goals. #family #father #goals
You need to believe in something. #family #father #selfcaretips
You’re just surviving (not living) when you live somebody else’s program. #selfcare #father